Children's Ministry
The Lions
Rich in tradition while embracing the future, St. Mark’s is a great place for kids of all ages!
We are committed to providing a fun and safe learning environment for children to better understand and develop their relationship with God.
In-Class Activities
Our program, Spark – Activate Faith, engages children from ages 2-12 to learn the Bible in ways that are suited to their age and level of development.
We follow a lectionary schedule, which means we are usually focused on the same lessons that are featured in the service each week. Music, activities, and crafts keep things busy! Your child will also have a handout to take home with activities you can do as a family to grow your faith at home.

The Lion's Tale
Toward the end of the service, kids attend church as a group for Communion, and sit in the front pews for ‘The Lion’s Tale’, a short weekly chat designed to help children think about how to apply church teachings in their lives. Parents may pick up their children downstairs following the service.

Special events throughout the year include:
- Intergenerational Services
- Orangeville Santa Claus Parade
- Trunk-or-Treat
- All Saints Celebration
- Ash Wednesday Event
- Good Friday Explorers
- First Communion and Confirmation Classes